


I’m Grandma Dan and I live in San Francisco.

I live for food. More or less. I LOVE to cook food, smell food, eat food, dream about food. What kind of food? The eating kind. With an inclination towards the comforting kind. I don’t discriminate between cuisines, because, why settle on one when there is so much amazing food in this world?!

I’ve been cooking and writing recipes since the age of 7 – taught by mostly my Dad, and both my Grandma’s. One in Singapore and one in Nebraska. But that isn’t the reason for my name…Grandma Dan is a nickname I adopted in High School. Mainly because I baked a lot, but also in part because of my stylistic-choices. My gravitation towards granny dresses, cardigans, washed out purple hair, sneakers, granny panties…But I digress…

A mixed heritage, nomadic lifestyle and frequent travel opened my eyes and stomach to a smorgasbord of gastronomical pleasures and adventures. Comfort food no matter where it is from speaks to the soul, brings people together, and gives you a great big hug from the inside. Its a beautiful thing and an experience we can all share and relate to. No matter where we are from or what ethnicity we are. Global comfort food is my jam. I guess its apt given that I’m a Grandma 🙂

These recipes of mine are my small gastronomic contribution, to the dawning of an age in which I believe cultural unity is in motion. Coming together as one, universally, no matter our many backgrounds and beliefs. There are no rules, no restrictions, no compartments. Just a beautiful, edible rainbow refracted through the kitchen as a prism for all our many, wonderful flavors. I like to cook everything from fine Nebraskan delights, to Indian, to Japanese, to Italian, to Singaporean to French. I would also hold a slim jim in the same esteem as a lump of seared foie gras any day. I just think that’s important for people to know.

They say the world is our Oyster. Lets shuck the f* out of it.

I hope you enjoy these recipes. Happy cooking 🙂


